Digital transformation is the general trend

Digital transformation is the general trend

In order to adapt to the digital transformation of the industry and promote the informationization, digitalization and intelligent transformation of the hardware industry, and strengthen the capacity building for members, the China Hardware Association established the Digital Promotion Committee (abbreviated as the Digital Committee). With the purpose of serving the industry and enterprises, the Digital Committee relies on cutting-edge technologies such as big data, the Internet, and artificial intelligence to empower enterprises.

Hardware chain

In 2022, relevant data resources will be integrated, and mature industries will be used as pilots to gradually establish and improve industry databases to provide accurate basis for industry data research, promote the deep integration of industrialization and industrialization, upgrade production methods, and gradually realize digital information transformation and quality improvement With the goal of increasing efficiency, the 2022 Digital Committee will also choose an opportunity to hold the first offline work meeting and issue certificates to expert members.

Introducing American Standard ASTM 80 Stainless Steel Chain

The American Standard ASTM 80 Stainless Steel Chain is a high-quality chain that is widely used in various industries. Made from durable stainless steel, this chain is highly resistant to corrosion, making it an ideal choice for use in harsh environments.

The chain is manufactured according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard 80, which ensures that it meets strict quality and performance standards. This standard specifies the requirements for dimensions, materials, and mechanical properties, ensuring that the chain is reliable and safe to use.

Hardware chain

The ASTM 80 Stainless Steel Chain is available in a range of sizes and strengths, making it suitable for a variety of applications. It can be used for lifting, towing, and securing heavy loads, as well as in marine environments and for decorative purposes.

One of the key benefits of the ASTM 80 Stainless Steel Chain is its high strength-to-weight ratio. This makes it an ideal choice for applications that require a strong, yet lightweight chain. Additionally, the chain is resistant to heat, which makes it suitable for use in high-temperature environments.

Overall, the ASTM 80 Stainless Steel Chain is a reliable and high-quality product that is suitable for a wide range of applications. Its superior corrosion resistance, strength, and durability make it a popular choice among professionals in various industries.

Post time: Mar-28-2023